The Flow podcast feat. Archax CEO Graham Rodford
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Multi-dealer marketplace
FM Liquidity MatchSaas for electronic trading
FM White LabelB2B White Label Crypto Trading Platform
FM PulseReal-time market data analytics
FM SpaceCounterparty selection
FM x BitGoCleared crypto trading network
Neobanks, crypto-native and FX brokers
Payment providersPSPs, payment gateways, on/off ramp
OTC desksCrypto trading desks, retail platforms
Buy-sidePassive funds, hedge funds, asset managers
Solutions for liquidity providers Liquidity providersMarket makers, proprietary shops
Prime brokersAgency and risk-principle brokers
The Flow podcast feat. Archax CEO Graham Rodford
2024 marked a record-breaking period for the cryptocurrency market
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Multi-dealer marketplace
FM Liquidity MatchSaas for electronic trading
FM White LabelB2B White Label Crypto Trading Platform
FM PulseReal-time market data analytics
FM SpaceCounterparty selection
FM x BitGoCleared crypto trading network
Clients Banks & brokersNeobanks, crypto-native and FX brokers
Payment providersPSPs, payment gateways, on/off ramp
OTC desksCrypto trading desks, retail platforms
Buy-sidePassive funds, hedge funds, asset managers
Liquidity providersMarket makers, proprietary shops
Prime brokersAgency and risk-principle brokers
Company About Careers Blog Media kit Referral Legal Imprint Terms and Conditions Operating rules Privacy Policy Risk Disclosure Tariff Policy Support Contact formThis review provides a brief analysis of market trends in the institutional OTC cryptocurrency market, based on coin transactions within the trading infrastructure of Finery Markets. To compile this report, our experts used a wide array of data from over 30 countries.
This analysis highlights the rapid growth within the crypto space while underlining the increasing complexity and maturation of institutional engagements.
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